So I'm back after yet another little break away from this blog. I find that my experiences aren't worthy of expression not because what I do is boring, but, well, because what I do is boring. I've expressed this before: I lead a normal life, nothing really that interesting happens to me because I live in a large-ish city, and I don't feel that my day to day activities warrant time spent writing or reading about them.
But, as school is winding down, I feel that I must share something, or no one will believe that I actually experienced anything of value these last few months. I have one official week of class left, although unofficially, two of my three classes have already ended and will not be meeting again. Woohoo! My experience with this school has been like experiencing ice cream and pickles at the same time (although some would argue that's a good blend of snack items, I can't believe that). The ice cream is the time I spend in the classroom and planning for the classes that I find so fascinating. I loooooovvved my literature class, mostly because I love literature of any kind. These classes were the best, and I was motivated to teach which transfered then to my students who seemed motivated to learn. The pickle side (and you all know how much I hate pickles) of the job was dealing with the administration. The director of this school I can only describe in certain company because the adjectives I feel describe her best are not words the general public should hear coming from such a well-brought up lady such as myself. Let's just say that she is difficult and mean and values formality and procedure far above the education of her students. She is an opportunist and micromanager and rarely produces any work of her own. She teaches one class that she rarely shows up for and is absent on account of 'sickness' more times than the rest of the teachers combined. As the director of the school, I understand that it's important to keep order, but her methods and policies are absurd and I am not the first person to notice. There is nothing I can do, however, as I do not have the power to try and help her see the error of her ways, also I think that would be a little presumptuous of the American 25-year-old with a simple BA degree to explain to the 40-something Cape Verdean director how she should do her job. So I live with it, like Peace Corps volunteers have lived with it in the past, and all I can do is warn the future volunteers to be wary and try to hold their temper.
But in other news, I have put my countdown back up on my wall. I had a countdown last year when I was preparing to go to England, and now it's back with the countdown for leaving. I leave this island in exactly 45 days. It's NOTHING!! And my mother arrives in 15 days to spend a couple of weeks with me, which will be nice. After I leave my island I will spend 3 days in Praia, the capital, just wrapping things up. Then I depart for London to spend a week before finally heading home. I arrive in Phoenix August 14th at 6:05pm (because I know you all want to be at the airport to welcome me:). And I cannot wait.