I just wanted to get in one last blog before I pass out and die from exhaustion. This morning I gave my 8th grade classes their final test. Believe me when I say that to battle 30 students to no cheat, while answering a million questions at once is no easy task. You have to constantly be on alert. There is no honor system here, no moral stronghold that prevents a student from teaching. In short, this is not PCDS. Ok, I admit that the test was a little harder than last time. And a little longer. But I felt that these students were capable, and that we had reviewed in class and during lessons enough so if they had studied sufficiently, they would have done well. The key word here is study. They prefer, for some reason, to spend the majority of their time making cabula or a 'cheat sheet'. One guy even had his entire notebook opened on the floor. So now after just having given two tests in a row with my heightened alert, I feel like calapsing. So now I have to go home and grade all 60 tests before tomorrow morning at 7:30. I can't wait.
And I would take a shower, but our apartment building, and I think a lot of the town is currently without water. Yes, we ran out of water yesterday. So we can't wash the dishes, our hands (gross), oursleves, or flush the toilet (also gross). I have no idea when we are going to get any more water. I think it comes in on a truck from another town. But if there's a shortage, there's a shortage and there's not much you can do about that really. I've been brushing my teeth with our drinking water from our filter, but that's going to run out soon as well. Buying water is expensive, but if we don't get water soon, we're going to have to start doing that. At least just to brush my teeth!! Well I am off to grade tests, and more tests, and MORE TESTS!! This trimester is never going to end.
Dear Nadia
I don’t know if you remember me, my names Poonam Lakhani, I guess im like a family friend, and I came to visit you in Arizona in 1993, so long ago, but we received a letter from your parents to say Happy Xmas and it was really nice to hear from you guys, they said your brother and sister are doing well, and they travelling around the world, which is really cool. They said you were working for Peace Corps in Cape Verde and said to check out your blog, and I was just reading all of your adventures, its so amazing everything your experiencing, and im really addicted to read everything, its like an adventure novel, your a really good writer. I’m up to October time. But I think it’s so rewarding what you’re doing, and I wish I had the confidence and the guts to do something like that, maybe one day we could do something like this together. Anyway, I really hope you remember me, but it was such a long time ago when we met last, but I would really like to stay in touch. By the way, I love the pictures, Cape Verde looks beautiful, and all those kids look so happy, and you look really pretty, feel free to contact me anytime. My email is PoonamLakhani@hotmail.com. And maybe one day we can meet up, feel free to contact us whenever you get to visit London, my no. is 07849657527 and 02084466583. Give my regards to your family, and we will be in touch soon. By the way Akash is doing well; he’s at University in Derby studying Sports Science. Well take care anyway, look after yourself and stay strong, can’t wait to read the rest of your adventures. All my love and hugs Poonam xxxx
19 December, 2006 15:07
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