This is a guide for my family and friends about my life as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Cape Verde, Africa. I teach English as foreign language to high school students in Boa Vista, Cape Verde. Also as a disclaimer, the comments expressed here are solely of the author and do not represent the United States Peace Corps, the American Government, or any other governing body.

Friday, October 19, 2007

It's nice being comfortable in your own skin. To be able to live your life without ever worrying that you're stepping on someones toes, or saying the wrong thing, or making a complete fool out of yourself. Today I had a feeling of complete contentment as I finished my classes. I have Friday afternoons completely free and I plan on making tacos for dinner :). I was in Praia at the beginning of the week and managed to buy salsa and guacamole (not that I like guacamole, but that really isn't the point). Ground beef has once again made an appearance at the local grocery stores, so tacos for dinner it is! Take that Chipotle!

While the tacos are broiling away in my house, there is absolutely no one on the island of Boa Vista at the moment. There is an obvious lack of tourists, restaurants and hotels are still closed, and the shame of it is, our famous brand new international airport is supposedly officially open. No one's flying out of it though. Last weekend and 747 came into the island just for a test run and it was such a big deal. Many important government people were there as well as locals who just wanted to see the big plane land. It went off without a hitch, so we're all still a little confused as to why this brand new fancy airport isn't bringing the tourists in by the truckload. It's a shame, really, and as much as tourism has it's ups and downs for a community, I think at this point, this island could really use a little foreign money. Tourism is this islands main source of economy and I believe that in a few years, this will be the most visited island by tourists. We will surpass Sal as the main destination, now having one of only three international airports (although, granted 3 international airports for a country the size of Rhode Island is quite a few) and more beach square footage than any other island, I think this place will just boom.

In other news, school is going really well, I do little lesson planning these days because I'm teaching the same levels and classes that I did last year, so I just stay with the same lessons. Although, I think the water gods are angry with Leland and I as we managed to flood our entire apartment last night. The water came back on very lightly, and we left the shower head in the barrel to fill up. Well we had cooked such a delicious dinner of BBQ chicken wings that we completely forgot about the barrel on the bathroom. Next thing we know, the bathroom, hallway and my bedroom are all flooded. What a waste!!! Not to mention, a lot of my books were lined up on my floor, so they are currently sunbathing on my balcony. Anyway, there was no lasting damage, and next time I don't think we'll be so careless. The water issues never cease. Sometimes, they lessen slightly, but never cease. Oh well. Thus is life.


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